Why do I teach art?
Art is an unpredictable journey that leads one to perpetual self discovery. It facilitates open ended thinking in new learners and helps matured learners solve many of the mysteries life constantly presents. Art is the key to connecting our mind to the beauty of reality.
Grades K-8
Elementary/Middle School Level Lessons
Recommended Grade Level:

Music Meets Abstract Expressionism
This music based lesson helps students to understand how their emotion can effect the art they create. Students will listen to different styles of music while creating their own expressive lines followed by a discovery discussion. Once their lines are complete the class will learn about watercolor blending techniques.
Grade 4,5,6

Primary and Secondary Color Planets
This lesson introduces students to the wonderful world of color mixing.
Grade K,1,2

Henna Hands
Henna hands teaches students about the beautiful Indian art of Mehndi and helps students to understand the complicated idea of symbolism.
Grade 2,3,4
Grade 4,5

Andy Warhol Flower Prints
In this printmaking lesson students will learn about the pop artist Andy Warhol and will be introduced to controversial art styles for the first time.
Grade 4,5,6

Dada Duchamp'ed
This discussion based lesson delves into the world of conceptual art and introduces students to the idea that art can be interpreted differently by everyone.
Grade 4,5,6

Drawing/Painting Styles Poster
Students will learn about and practice a variety of different drawing and painting techniques.
Grade 6,7,8
Grade 4,5,6
Grade 6,7,8
High School Level Lessons
Grades 9-12

Charcoal Still Life
Students will learn about observational drawing and use the charcoal medium to create their own still life.

Banksy Inspired Animal Stencils
In this lesson students will learn about the pseudonymous street artist "Banksy" and his controversial art style of graffiti. Students will mimic his style by creating animal stencils out of oak tag and applying them onto a textured background created with watercolors.

Culture Tiles
Students learn and implement the basics of the slab building to create a three-dimensional tile that reflects a culture of their choosing.

Hollow Food Sculptures
This lesson is inspired by the pop artist Wayne Thiebaud and teaches students to use the slab building method in collaboration with other ceramic techniques learned in previous lessons. The students final product will be a life size ceramic food sculpture with realistic shape, texture, and color.